If you’re the admin of your company on the platform, you can create accounts for your colleagues:
1. Log in to the platform, click on Admin and then go to the Users tab

2. Click on Invite User

3. Fill out the form. You can choose between three roles:
- Business Partner Admin: This role corresponds to the administrator of your company in the amfori Sustainability platform. It has the highest levels of permissions and can invite other users
- Business Partner: This role is a user of your company that can perform all actions with the exception of user invitation
- Business Partner Trainee: A trainee is a user who doesn’t have access to the amfori Platform but has access to the amfori Academy and its capacity building activities (e-learning, tutorials, face-to-face workshops, etc.)
Click on Invite User at the bottom. Your colleague will receive an email invitation that they will need to accept to create their account.