How to add a Farm for a multitier audit

Modified on: 2022-02-10 14:36:01 +0100

Before your RSP holder can insert a multi-tier audit request, you need to map at least one farm to your food processing company. To add a next tier farm please proceed with the following steps

1. Go to the Sustainability Platform 
2. Select Sustainability Network
3. Click on Map new Business Relation
4. Fill-in the information of the farm and select the classification "farm"

When the next tier Business Partner is invited as a “farm”, no invitation is sent out. Instead, a managed next tier site is created – this site is managed by the business partner who sent the invitation. The status of the pending invitation will be on “Added”:


Now you can ask your RSP holder to proceed with the multi-tier audit request including the farm that you've just added.

For further information about the multi-tier audit, please refer to this handbook:

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