How to work on Continuous Improvement

Modified on: 2022-05-18 09:38:34 +0200

The Continuous Improvement section replaces the previous Corrective Action Plan (CAP)/Remediation plan.

To view your own Continuous Improvement activity and update the activities there:

- Go to My Sustainability/Continuous Improvement and choose a site:

You see a dashboard overview showing the number of audit findings for each site, and how many of these findings have been covered by a ‘sustainability impact’ (improvement activity).

- Click ‘Define Sustainability Impact’:

You have the option of linking any Findings from Audits that have been conducted on that site. This is only possible if your company has been audited.

- Complete all information fields:

Now, the Sustainability Impact is visible:

- To add Measures, click the + sign. A popup item rises on the right hand side

Add the necessary measures and click ‘Add Measure’.

There are several categories of Measures:

Categories of Measures

Internal Policies and procedures 
Any activity related to changing or introducing new policies or procedures (e.g. new recruitment policy, new procedure to record working hours etc.) in own company or in business partners, service providers


Any training activity whether delivered to workers or received by company management 

Consultancy Service 

Any contract to expert to provide advice or drive a change process in the company 

Compensation or Restoration 

Reimbursement, payments or restoration of victims rights (e.g. reintegration of children in family, compensation of unpaid overtime) 

Investments or Technology

investments in machineries or hardware 
Anything not covered before

The Measure is now visible, linked to the sustainability impact.

Completing Sustainability Impact and Measures

As your Company completes the Continuous Improvement activity, there will be a need to mark the Measures and Sustainability Impact as ‘Complete’.

To complete or edit a Measure :

- Click on a Measure. The toolbar will pop up on the right. Select Complete (you need to click twice, to confirm):

Once you have completed all the measures associated with a specific impact you can set the Sustainability Impact to ‘Complete'.

- Click on the Sustainability Impact and then select ‘Complete’ :

Note – if all Measures are not complete, then the Sustainability Impact cannot be set to complete.

A Success message is now visible and in the Continuous Improvement overview screen, the Sustainability Impact is

viewable under the ‘Completed’ tab:

We also recommend following this training video if you have difficulties with Continuous Improvement. 

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