What is a sustainability measure?

Modified on: 2022-05-18 09:49:39 +0200

On the amfori sustainability platform, in Continuous Improvement, audit findings are covered by sustainability impacts (which are improvement activities). Each sustainability impact contains one ore more sustainability measures. Sustainability measures are the steps that the Business Partner intends to undertake to remedy to the audit finding.

There are several categories of Measures:

Categories of Measures

Internal Policies and procedures 
Any activity related to changing or introducing new policies or procedures (e.g. new recruitment policy, new procedure to record working hours etc.) in own company or in business partners, service providers


Any training activity whether delivered to workers or received by company management 

Consultancy Service 

Any contract to expert to provide advice or drive a change process in the company 

Compensation or Restoration 

Reimbursement, payments or restoration of victims rights (e.g. reintegration of children in family, compensation of unpaid overtime) 

Investments or Technology

investments in machineries or hardware 
Anything not covered before

If you want to learn how to work with sustainability measures, feel free to read our guide, starting on page 35 or watch this training video

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