How does the BSCI audit rating work?

Modified on: 2022-07-25 16:02:19 +0200

The audit rating is calculated automatically, based on the questions answered by the auditor during the audit. The auditor answers each question based on his/her professional judgement with one of three responses:  
YES: When the auditor finds the amount of evidence satisfactory
NO: When the auditor finds the amount of evidence unsatisfactory
PARTIALLY: When the auditor finds some satisfactory evidence, but not enough to clearly answer YES.  

Then, each Performance Area gets an individual rating ranging between ‘A’ and ‘E’, which is determined by the degree of fulfilment for each question under the PA. Some questions in the PA may be labelled as “crucial questions”, because their content should be of the highest priority of the producer in terms of workers’ protection. 

 Depending on whether those questions are crucial or non-crucial for the performance area, each question is given a particular value that is then translated into performance area and an overall rating. Crucial questions in the Child Labour, Bonded Labour, and Occupational Health and Safety Performance areas have the greatest impact on the rating.
Therefore each numerical value behind the calculation varies from scenario to scenario and is, as said, done automatically. Even if we would have sort of an algorithm outlined in form of a document that could be shared, this would fall under a strictly internal methodology that would not be shared with outsiders as it would basically enabler competitors to copy our audit methodology. 

Please let us know should you have any further questions. You can also find further information about the audit rating in the amfori BSCI System Manual, Part II, page 46-47 (member login required).

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