Does amfori BSCI accept other systems?

Modified on: 2022-07-25 16:02:46 +0200

If the producer holds a valid SA8000 certificate (which is verified by amfori BSCI), then the producer does not need to be monitored. If you have a certificate of a producer, you are free to upload it on the amfori sustainability platform.

If a factory has done a Global Gap audit, 30% of it is accepted by amfori BSCI, in other words the areas in questions are no longer monitored during the amfori BSCI audit.

Provided that the auditor verifies that the three conditions listed in the amfori BSCI System Manual apply for the auditee:

The GlobalGAP certificate has to be held by the main auditee (either option 1 or option 2) or by farms sampled during the amfori BSCI audit

  • Verification through GGN nr and name/address of business unit
  • Auditors may recognise GlobalGAP certificate as valid for different crops if the workforce and management practices overlap more than 80% including seasonal workers

The unilateral recognition (which is valid to date) between amfori BSCI and GlobalGap means that PA 7 and 12 will not be audited. 

With regard to amfori BSCI 2.0 this 30% refer to PA 7 (Health and Safety) and PA 12 (Environmental Protection). All other areas are monitored during the amfori BSCI audit. 

If a factory has got a valid Rainforest Alliance audit no audit needs to take place; 80% of the areas are covered, the remaining 20% refer to the management systems for primary production.

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