How does the Risk Assessment work, as a producer?

Modified on: 2022-10-17 14:20:04 +0200

The Risk Assessment is a self-assessment to be completed by you on the amfori Sustainability Platform. It replaces the Self-Assessment Questionnaire that was in place on the BEPI platform. It is composed of different sections: a “generic” section and up to 8 questionnaires related to different Environmental Performance Areas, depending on the characteristics of your Site.

Any amfori BEPI member linked to you on the amfori Sustainability Platform can request a Risk Assessment (RA) for one of your Sites (there is no RSP concept on the Risk Assessment). Only one Risk Assessment can be requested per site at the same time.

The Risk Assessment questionnaire is automatically configured based on your Site Details, therefore it is important that you have a complete and updated profile before starting filling in your Risk Assessment questionnaire.  

amfori members linked to you can also add additional Environmental Performance Areas to the ones that are automatically assigned to you based on your site profile. This is an optional step for members who may attach particular importance to specific Environmental Performance Areas and want them to be covered in the Risk Assessment for BEPI. 

When a member requests a Risk Assessment for your Site, all BEPI members linked to you will receive a notification and they will be given one week (7 calendar days) to optionally select additional Environmental Performance Areas to be added to your Risk Assessment questionnaire. Once the week is over, you will receive a notification that a Risk Assessment was launched for your site (similar to the following image):


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