How do I fill in the EPA questionnaire, as a producer?

Modified on: 2022-10-17 14:45:03 +0200

You can fill the EPA questionnaire once a Risk Assessment has been requested. You can start from any questionnaire you want and save it at any time. Make sure you're logged into the platform, and go to My Risk AssessmentOngoing, click on the risk assessment and make sure it's in progress.

There, click Start on the selected section:


You will be directed to an intermediary screen where you need to press Start again:


Confirm your choice and you'll be able to now click either on Go to first section or on the name of the section and start filling in the questionnaire:


Note that the ‘Generic’ section and the EPA 1 – Environmental Management System are mandatory for all sites. In the ‘Generic’ section, it is mandatory that you report on at least one year, providing quantitative data for this period. It is recommended by amfori to report on up to 3 years (to keep track of historical evolution). “Year 1” should be the most recent year, and “Year 3” the oldest. If you only report on one year, please use the most recent data for your site and note that only “Year 1” will be filled in with data.
You can save the questionnaire at any time, even when it is not fully completed. You will see a confirmation message that the section was saved in the green bar at the top. We advise you to save your answers regularly.

When you have answered all questions in a section and saved it, the Submit button (in the top right corner) turns green. 
Press the button to submit the section:

Once submitted, your answers cannot be changed. Therefore, we advise you to save all answers and plan to submit all the sections only when you are sure of all the provided answers.
It is a good practice to revise all your answers before submitting the questionnaire.

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