How to view my Risk Assessment results, as a producer?

Modified on: 2022-10-17 14:46:06 +0200

Once you have submitted all the sections of the EPAs, you can view your results by going to My Risk Assessments - Results on the navigation panel on the left:


The Risk Assessment for BEPI is based on self-declared data and was developed to identify opportunities for improvement in your management practices.

A high (or very high) risk indicates that there is a risk that current practices are not sufficient to avoid environmental impacts. The tool is designed to help you (and your customer/amfori member) to understand how to prioritize improvements and where to focus efforts.

The Risk Results screen is composed of a bar chart (the length of each bar is proportional to the risk score – the longer the bar the greater the risk related to a particular Environmental Performance Area) and a risk label per assessed Environmental Performance Area (LowLow-mediumMedium-highHighVery high). Here's an example:


Risk scores are calculated based on your self-declared management practices in each Environmental Performance Area. Note that the “Generic” questionnaire is not rated (this is where key quantitative data is collected and key metrics are calculated, including the CO2-equivalent emissions. Click on View to access the reports and to check the calculated values.

The energy-related CO2-equivalent is automatically calculated by the amfori Sustainability Platform based on your declared energy consumption data and are readily available inside the “Generic” template.

Metrics automatically calculated by the platform include:
- average water intensity (how many liters of water were required to produce one kg of products),
- the energy intensity (how many kWh were required to produce one kg of products),
- the waste intensity (how many kg of waste were generated to produce one kg of product)
- the CO2-equivalent intensity or GHG intensity (how many kg of energy-related CO2-eq were emitted to produce one kg of product) for the 3 declared years (“Year 1” being the most recent and “Year 3” being the oldest)

See below for the summary table that can be seen at the bottom of the “Generic” report with the calculated key metrics.


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