Before mapping a new business relationship, please ask your business partner if they already have a profile on the platform and ask them for their profile details, especially their main contact person name and email address.
There are two ways to add a Business Partner to your Supply Chain:
1. If your Business Partner is already active on the platform, follow these steps:
There are two ways to add a Business Partner to your Supply Chain:
1. If your Business Partner is already active on the platform, follow these steps:
- Go to tab on the left side called Sustainability Directory
- Under Search for another Sustainability Passport, type in either:
- the 12-digit amfori-ID e.g. 123-000123-000 or
- the DBID number, if applicable e.g. 12345 - The search will lead you to the Sustainability Passport, which includes basic information of the Business Partner on the amfori Sustainability Platform
- Click on Direct Link on the top right to add them to your supply chain

2. If your Business Partner is not yet active/present on the amfori sustainability platform, follow these steps:
2. Click on Map Business Relation
3. Fill out the form.
If the business partner already has access to the platform:
Please make sure you indicate their main contact person details in the dedicated fields, so that he or she can then login with their profile and do not create a new one.
Please make sure you indicate their main contact person details in the dedicated fields, so that he or she can then login with their profile and do not create a new one.
If it’s a new business partner:
Please make sure the contact person details are correct, as this person will need to accept the invitation and create their company profile. If the business partner doesn’t follow these steps, you will not see their profile appear in your supply chain.
Please make sure the contact person details are correct, as this person will need to accept the invitation and create their company profile. If the business partner doesn’t follow these steps, you will not see their profile appear in your supply chain.
4. Click on Send. An invitation email is sent out to the business partner, who has 45 days to accept. You can see the invitation status of your invitations in the Supply Chain Mapping tab.
For further guidance, please also consult our Guide for the amfori Sustainability Platform.
For further guidance, please also consult our Guide for the amfori Sustainability Platform.