How to change the main contact of my company on the Sustainability platform

Modified on: 2022-02-10 14:29:42 +0100

You can change your company’s main admin by yourself:

Log in to the platformclick on Admin, My Company and then go to the Users tab



If the new admin doesn’t have a platform account yet:

Click on Invite User


Fill out the form, choose ‘Member Admin’ as a role, and click on Invite User at the bottom of the page. Your colleague will receive an email invitation that they will need to accept to create their account.

If the new admin already has an account:

Click on your colleague’s account in the list. On their profile page, you can modify the role and select ‘Member Admin’:


Then click on Save User to save your changes.

If you don’t need to be admin anymore, you can follow the same process by clicking on your account in the users list, untick ‘Member admin’, tick ‘Member’ and click on Save User.

For further guidance, please also consult our Guide for the amfori Sustainability Platform.

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