How to download a Supply Chain Export

Modified on: 2022-04-13 17:27:10 +0200

On the amfori sustainability platform, you can download the Supply Chain Export yourself.

Here's how you can do so:

1. Log in to the amfori sustainability platform.

2. Click on ‘Insights’:


A new tab will open, you need to authenticate by using your SSO (no new set of log-in credentials needed!). amfori insights can also be accessed already today by going to 

3. In the BI environment, click on "Supply Chain: Overview" and then "Supply Chain Export". Once there, you can, as a member, directly download the file by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner.


Please note: If your export contains more t
han 1000 sites, you'll have to click on 'Download data', then 'Advanced Options' and select under 'Number of rows to include' 'All results'.


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